VVC recognizes that sexual assault is a serious issue, and will not be tolerated on campus. The college will investigate all allegations of sexual assault and take appropriate disciplinary, criminal, or legal action, with prior consent of the victim.
The College Police, with the victim's consent, will immediately conduct a criminal investigation of a reported sexual assault. All complaints will be investigated to the fullest extent to ensure that the college makes an appropriate response. Disciplinary actions may be imposed on recognized individual students, student organizations, and/or college faculty and staff found responsible for a sexual assault. College sanctions following campus disciplinary procedures depend on the outcome and may range from suspension to expulsion. According to Federal Crime Reporting Laws, all such crimes shall be included in the public College Crime Statistics and will appear in the Campus Safety Report published every October. Remember that College Police can only protect the community from threats they are aware of, so help protect everyone by reporting crimes to the Police Department.
Victor Valley College is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals who participate in college programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. Every member of the community should be aware that the college prohibits sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation; such behaviors violate both the law and college policy. The District will respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation; it will take appropriate action to prevent, to correct and, when necessary, to discipline behavior that violates these policies. Suspected violators may also be subjected to arrest and prosecution through the criminal justice system.
The college is required to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act 1998 (Clery Act), and the Violence Against Women Act 2013 (VAWA). The Clery Act adds requirements of the college to campus victims of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment. Any person who is the target of sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and/or retaliation should immediately consult the Title IX Officer for advice, options, and information. In addition, all reports and complaints of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or sexual harassment made to any college official or Campus Security Authority must also be reported immediately to the Title IX Officer by the person receiving the report. The Title IX Officer for the District is the Senior Human Resources Analyst, 760-245-4271, ext. 2232. The victims are encouraged to immediately contact Campus Police Department (760-245-4271, ext. 2329) or the Victorville Police Department (760-245-2911). For victims of crimes, it is critical that the crime is reported immediately to the Campus Police Department for care, counseling and evidentiary purposes.