Walk with friends or with others to and from classes. Contact the College Police for an escort at (760) 245-4271, ext. 2555
Be aware of your surroundings. Do not focus/text on your cell phone while walking
Have your car keys ready. Do not focus your attention on searching through your purse/backpack. Check your backseat before entering your vehicle
Do not get into person(s) vehicles who may offer you a ride back to your vehicle to take your parking space. Do not pick up person(s) to give them a ride back to their parking space
During the early stages of dating, consider dating with a group of those you know. Go with a friend and be responsible for each other. Have a pre-planned signal to let your friend know that you want to leave or need help
When dating, consider letting a friend know who you are dating, where you are going, and what time you plan to return
Communicate clearly and often to your partner
Control your alcohol; don’t let it control you. Drink responsibly or not at all. Do not abuse substances that might hinder your ability to think clearly or act quickly
Be willing and able to say “No”
It’s never too late to say “No”
Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to say “No” or ask someone to stop
Verbalize your expectations with your date. Talk about boundaries
Trust your instincts. Guard your personal space. If someone makes you uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation
Emergency phones are located throughout the campus and parking lots for you to access Campus Safety immediately should you need assistance with any emergency occurrence