ACCESS Resource Center provides individualized accommodations and services to students with various disabilities who are determined eligible for the program. Students with disabilities which will impact their academic experience at Victor Valley College and who want to receive services, must apply at the ACCESS office. Students will be asked to provide appropriate documentation to verify their disability, or at least provide information as to where ACCESS may obtain this documentation. The campus of VVC is accessible to students with mobility impairments. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) placards or disabled plates are required for the use of disabled parking.
Who may be eligible?
Currently enrolled students with disabilities which impact them academically may be eligible for ACCESS services. Examples of disabilities, which may impact the academic experience, are:
- Learning Disabilities Programs - Students with learning disabilities typically have average or above average intelligence, but experience difficulty processing information. For these students, information becomes "scrambled" as it is taken in through the senses, carried to the brain, stored, or expressed through speech and writing.
- Physical or Other Disabilities - Eligible students include those with mobility impairments, visual and / or hearing impairments, acquired brain injuries, back injuries, diabetes, heart conditions, psychological disabilities, or any other physical impairment, which interferes with academic functioning.
What types of services does ACCESS offer?
ACCESS offers a wide variety of accommodations and services including specific academic support for students with learning disabilities, as well as individualized training in the use of adaptive computer technology in the Adaptive Computer Technology Center:
- Adaptive Computer Training Center - The primary purpose of the ACT Center is to teach needed adaptive technology skills to individuals with disabilities. The acquired skills will empower these students with disabilities to work independently on computers at home, at work, and in campus labs, classrooms, and the library.
- Accommodation Services - Eligible students will meet with a ACCESS counselor or Learning Disabilities Specialist / Counselor to determine individualized accommodations required. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to : alternative testing, academic and vocational counseling, priority registration assistance, text in alternative format, note taking assistance, sign language interpreters, ACT Center referral, study skills instruction, equipment loans, liaison with faculty, and referral to public agencies.
- ACCESS Courses - ACCESS also offers courses in the area of disability related issues designed to provide information, support, and strategies to students with disabilities. These include:
Developmental Studies 1 (DVST 1) – Learn how to read and spell phonetically.
Developmental Studies 2 (DVST 2) – Enhance and build reading and spelling skills taught in DVST 1.
Developmental Studies 3 (DVST 3) – Understanding skills and techniques that can enhance comprehension of college level reading assignments.
Developmental Studies 4A (DVST 4A) – Addresses perceptual and language deficits with understanding math concepts.
Developmental Studies 4B (DVST 4B) - Follows topics in algebraic context with hands-on experience to develop skills.