Alpha Phi Gamma Chapter

HOW TO FIND Phi Theta Kappa:
We encourage and invite both members and interested students to attend our regular Phi Theta Kappa meetings which are held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 12 pm to 1:30 pm, in the Student Activities Center (SAC bldg 44), in Conf rooms A&B (upstairs next to the ASB office).


Chapter Contact: (760)281-2468


Chapter Officers:
President Catherine Dauglash
Vice President Diana J. Cruz Mejia
Secretary Izaiah Rubio
Treasurer Taeghan Golembiesky
ICC Representative Maurice Davis, Jr.
VP of Membership Stephanie A. Achor
VP of Public Relations Savanah Blakkan
VP of Activities & Events Julian McClain
Honors in Action/Service Project Director TBD


Chapter Advisors:
Chapter Advisor:  
Carmen Blandino
Donielle Dantzler
Martha Mendez