High School to Victor Valley College
The Victor Valley College Career Education (CE) program is designed to help create pathways that lead to an associate or baccalaureate degree or a post-secondary certificate in a specific career field. Students combine high school Career Education classes, real-world experience, and/or college classes, to form a balanced and practical educational experience. Within this model students are challenged to meet rigorous academic standards and experience hands-on learning in articulated secondary CE courses.
Students graduating from high school need highly technical skills to be competitive in the job market. Up to 85% of all jobs will require at least two years of education beyond high school. A career pathway is an effective way to help students see the application of academic knowledge and makes meaningful connections between education and a variety of career options. Career pathways include career preparation recommendations for course work that prepares students to:
- Enter directly into the workforce;
- Continue education focused on the associate degree; or
- Pursue baccalaureate degrees and beyond.
Articulation Defined
Career Education (CE) articulation is the process of developing formal, written agreements that identify High School courses (or sequence of courses) that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of, specific course requirements at Victor Valley College. These agreements provide an opportunity for students to earn college units or placement credit for approved coursework. Articulation assures students and faculty that students have taken the appropriate course. The assessment component of articulation ensures that outcomes for students are similar to those that would have been attained had the course been taken at the community college. This enables the student to progress to the next level of instruction.
Articulation is the result of working together to make things happen for our students. In its simplest form, articulation means that coursework taken by students in high school is recognized by postsecondary institutions. Ideally, it includes a seamless transition of course work where academic standards are designed, reviewed, and implemented to eliminate the duplication of skills and student learning outcomes. The primary goal is to avoid duplication of coursework required of students as they move through our educational system and to speed the completion of a certificate or degree from a postsecondary institution. This increases secondary retention, eliminates duplication, reduces the cost of education and increases the likelihood of attendance at the postsecondary level. Articulation is student-focused and is good for everyone.
Benefits of Articulation
A way to earn college credits in high school.
A clear pathway to follow with in individual career plan.
A solid foundation of academic and technical courses.
An introduction to the workplace.
Assists students in the transition from high school to college.
Direct connection to postsecondary education.
Save time and money by not having to repeat comparable courses.
A way to complete education and get started with a career earlier.
Opportunity for high school and college-discipline instructors to collaborate, and develop curriculum to best prepare students for success in their career.
Communities benefit by gaining a well trained, technically skilled workforce to meet the needs of local businesses, government agencies and industry.
If you need any help with this process or have any questions, please contact:
- Lee Bennett at (760) 245-4271 Extension 2403 or e-mail him at: Harry.BennettJr@vvc.edu
- Chris Piercy at (760) 245-4271 Extension 2241 or Chris.Piercy@vvc.edu
- McKenzie Tarango, Ed.D. (760) 245-4271 Extension 2693 or Mckenzie.Tarango@vvc.edu