Articulation Request | Content To Be Included

It is very important that the articulation agreement is not just a document between institutions but rather the creation of a working relationship. In order to articulate both the high school/ROP instructor and the college instructor need to review the articulation agreement at a regional advisory committee meeting and the approval must be indicated by official meeting minutes. The meeting minutes must reflect the exact name and course ID for both the high school course as well as the college course. Once the following information is agreed upon the VVC department chair must contact the CTE coordinator and provide a copy of the official meeting minutes indicating that the course to course agreement has been reached.  That course agreement will be included in the MOU between institution.

  1. Hours: During the duration of the high school course it must be met at least the same amount of the hours as the college course.
  2. Content: The high school course must include at least all of the same content as the college course and be instructed with the same rigor.
  3. Final Exam: The final exam for the high school course must be a comprehensive exam and must be approved by the college department chair.
  4. Course to Course Articulation: Courses can only be articulated one to one.  It may not take the content for more than one high school course to satisfy the requirements for the college course.  Also, the high school course can only be articulated to one college course.
  5. Data Submission: When submitting substantiating data please ensure that it is in a “Syllabus” style format. In the syllabus the college instructor will be looking to assess key elements that include:
    • Course title and short description
    • Title and ISBN of text or media used during instruction of this course.
    • Aggregated hours of student contact for the duration of the course.
    • Complete course content.
    • Use of regular and substantive assessment methods.
    • Breakdown of assessment percentages
      • Example;
        1. Quizzes 20%
        2. Midterm 25%
        3. Chapter exams 30%
        4. Final Exam 25%
    • Thorough explanation for the grading rubric for all subjective assessments.
    • A copy of the final exam that will be used to assess this course at its conclusion. This final exam must be the one that is used to assess this course at the end of both academic years that this course will be articulated. If the final exam is skills based, please include a thorough explanation of the exam process and the explanation sheet that is given to the students prior to their examination. Please ensure that the explanation of the assessment to the student includes the skills to be performed, time given for the examination and the subjective rubric used for assessment.