Associated Student Body Goals

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Each year, the 18 student council members commit themselves to representing the study body’s interests in a fashion they feel will enhance the “caring” student experience found at Victor Valley College. Ongoing support from VVC faculty, staff, administration, and past ASB Council members allows them to continue their road to success. While completion of their personal educational goals is of primary concern, they desire to maintain and further a strong sense of pride in the cultural, political, and academic achievements of the VVC family.

The final goals were pared down from an initial list of 342 goals at the ASB Retreat held July 11-14, 2024, and were adopted on July 18, 2024. Change doesn't happen overnight, until it’s ready to happen, then overnight is exactly when it might happen. The students will address many of the issues that were on their initial list as time permits.

Hope shines in every corner.  It rides an air of fellowship that says, “We're all in this together” and a feeling of one for all and all for one.



Victor Valley College Associated Student Body Council

2024-2025 Goals & Objectives


  1.  To advocate for student success, the ASB Council will work with the VVC Foundation to promote and increase scholarship opportunities.

  2.  Nutrition being necessary for educational success, the ASB Council will partner with the Vice President of Administrative Services for extended hours of operation for food services and diverse options such as vegetarian and vegan.

  3.  The ASB Council requests that the appropriate Vice Presidents repair the Art Building and Kiln Yard to enhance the Art Program.

  4. The Associated Student Body requests to be consulted throughout the design of the new VVC website.

  5. The Associated Student Body will collaborate with Student Services and Human Resources to enhance student success by creating and clarifying job opportunities, streamlining the hiring process, and improving career resources.

  6. ASB will assist the Vice President of Student Services in promoting an anonymous reporting system, thereby increasing student safety.

  7. ASB will work with Administration to make a Canvas tutorial more readily available to students.

  8. ASB will collaborate with administration to construct outdoor shaded study areas, with priority to lower campus. 

  9. In support of the Guided Pathways model, the ASB will publicize and encourage student involvement for the "Thrive to Drive" campaign and Engagement and Career Centers.

  10. The ASB will collaborate  with students and agriculture faculty to revitalize the botanical garden.

  11. To build on the Basic Needs Center's success, the ASB will publicize its events and encourage students to use its services.


Retreat Attendees:

ASB Council: Hailey Reyes, Jorge Almendarez, Porscha Guerrero, Steven Guevara, Savanna Blakkan, Hannah Rodriguez, Maurice Davis, William (Bill) Tate, DeAnn Fulton, Amerie Fortune, Morgan Guillen, Tieast Jenkins, Isaac Guevara.

VVC Employees: Angela Perdomo, Andrew Caravella, Martha Mendez.

ASB Advisor: Robert A. Sewell

ASB Mentor: Tim Isbell

VVC Student Alumni:  Jennifer Weis, Kim Aguilar, Chris Cook, Jacob Kleinsmith, Chantel Picon, Deanna Sanabria, Armondo Barajas

VVC Presidents Office: Hailey Teeter, Katy Evilsizor

VVC President's Council: Frank Castanos, Artie Allen, Kevin Gee, Jay Cohen, Henry Young, Amy Azul, Lorena Newson, Virginia Moran, Arthur Lopez, Todd Scott, Monica Martinez, Kirstin Acosta, Daniel Walden, McKenzie Tarango, Richard Radcliffe, Edward Alvarez, Kelley Cahow

Presenters: Alex Rico (Disney), Phil Clegg (ASACC Executive Director)

VVC Trustees: Laura Dvareckas, Joseph W. Brady, Sharon Pinkerton, Brandon Wood, Jennifer Tarpley

VVC Faculty: Tim Adell

Guests: Elijah Azul, Angel Frias, Christopher Candelaria, Gwen Gollmyer-Mather, Jacob Sewell, Deborah Brady, Mike Tarpley, Jason Tarpley, Kathleen Cook, Hector Gaxiol.