Satisfying the Auto-50 Introduction to Automotive Prerequisite
The curriculum for many classes in the Automotive Department requires the completion of Auto-50 Introduction to Automotive prior to enrolling. To enroll in these classes a student’s VVC transcript must indicate that they have successfully completed Auto-50. There are four ways for this to occur.
The student can complete the 108 hour Auto-50 Introduction to Automotive course with a minimum passing grade of 70%.
The student can present an official transcript from another accredited institution indicating they have completed an equivalent course.
The student can achieve transcribed credit through the "High School Articulation" process from one of the high desert partner high schools (Apple Valley, Hesperia, Sultana, Oak Hills, Adelanto, or Victor Valley High), OR
The student can receive credit through the colleges "Credit by Examination process.
A student may bypass taking the 108 hour Auto-50 Introduction to Automotive prerequisite course by providing proof of current equivalent professional industry trade experience and course content knowledge and competency. This is done through the “Credit by Examination” process.
Credit by Examination
As authorized by Section 55050 of Title V of the California Code of Regulations, students may apply for Credit by Examination.
After successfully completing 12 semester units of credit at Victor Valley College, a registered student may receive college credit for courses challenged through departmental examinations.
These may be in subjects in which the student is qualified based on prior training and/or experience for which credit or advanced placement has not already been awarded.
In order to substantiate acceptable “prior training and/or experience” a student must be currently employed by an Automotive Repair Dealer that is licensed by The California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
The student must provide a letter on company letterhead including current ARD license number from that current employer certifying that they have worked continuously uninterrupted for the last two years and have a minimum of 4,000 hours of trade experience conducting mechanical automotive repairs during that two year period.
Applications for this type of credit are available through Admissions and Records and must be approved first by the appropriate academic department. After credit by examination eligibility has been established, a non-refundable fee equal to the per unit enrollment fee will be charged for each administered exam, and is payable at the Bursar’s Office.
Awarding credit by examination is subject to the following guidelines:
A request for credit by examination must be submitted by the fourth week of the term (second week for Summer or Winter terms).
The student must be enrolled in at least one course in good standing, and must have successfully completed 12 semester units of credit at Victor Valley College with a GPA of 2.00 or better.
A faculty member must be willing to prepare an exam. If a faculty member is unavailable to prepare an exam, the challenge cannot go forward.
Credit by examination may not be received for any course which is a prerequisite to one for which credit has been previously granted.
In order to challenge, the student must not have previously failed the course nor have been enrolled in it during the semester for which the exam is requested.
A student may challenge a course only once.
Credit by examination cannot be used to satisfy Victor Valley College’s 12 unit residency requirement for the Associate Degree.
A maximum of 32 units earned through nontraditional means (CLEP, AP, DANTES, Department Exam, and Military) may apply toward the Associate Degree with no more than 15 units permitted for college courses graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. This limitation does not apply to units earned at the community college of the Air Force (CCAF).
Credit by examination will be annotated “Pass” or “No Pass” or a grade of A-F, with unit value and a notation entered on the transcript that credit was earned via “CREDIT BY EXAMINATION.”
The Examinations
The examinations will consist of multiple written and hands-on examinations.
A comprehensive 100 question ASE style multiple choice written examination that access the test takers knowledge of the curriculum content of the Auto-50 Introduction to Automotive course.
(70%) passing score is required. (2 hours) typical examination time.
The ALI (Automotive Lift Institute) Lift safety examination
(80% passing score is required. (30 Minutes typical examination time.
The Sp2 final exams for:
Automotive Service Pollution Prevention
(80%) Passing score required) (3 hours) typical Examination Time.
Automotive Service Safety
(80%) Passing score required (3 hours) typical examination time.
After successfully completing examinations (1-3) with a passing score. A comprehensive hands on lab examination will be administered that assesses the ability of the test taker to identify multiple system components on a vehicle and verbally explain to the examiner the proper name, function and interactive nature within the system and their relative function to other vehicle systems. The test taker will be accessed on all automotive systems.
(70%) Passing score required (2 hours) typical examination time.