Are you interested in being a Writing Center peer tutor? We are always looking for VVC students who have excelled in their courses and like working with and helping other students. Tutors assist students with all phases of the writing process and should also be familiar with research strategies and grammar rules.
Completion of at least one semester of college course work and current student registered in at least six (6) to twelve (12) units depending on funding source
An overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
Completion of English 101 with an "A" or "B"
Faculty recommendation on content knowledge and people skills
Content competency evidenced by a grade of an "A" or "B" in English 101
Required training: Completion of tutor orientation, TUTR 30 course, and continuous training (ENGL 261) held Friday afternoon
*Candidates will be asked to take a diagnostic exam during the oral interview.
Application Procedures
To apply for a position as a writing tutor, please submit a completed electronic file of the following:
A completed application
A copy of your unofficial transcript(s)
A weekly schedule of your availability
A faculty recommendation with instructor's signature
A writing sample with instructor's comments
Click here for more information and/or an employment application