California Nursing Students' Association

What is CNSA?

Mission Statement

California Nursing Students’ Association leads by example, creating a statewide community of politically conscious, technologically savvy, and socially aware nursing students. CNSA fosters the transition of the student to the role of the professional nurse through the development of leadership, activism, and advocacy. CNSA supports scholarship, volunteerism, and mentorship to influence nursing education and nursing care in California.

The Victor Valley College CNSA also supports VVC's mission and the Nursing program philosophy. Victor Valley College Mission

Join CNSA Now!


To join CNSA, please go to
By joining NSNA, you are automatically a member of CNSA and part of  VVC's chapter!
Once you have joined, please Email your membership card to





President: Saige Staley

Vice President: Jonquil Green

Treasurer: Amanda Ford

Secretary: Dayshia Hernandez

ASB Liason: Lissete Avila


What’s going on with CNSA?

Monthly meetings at 5:15 pm dates as follows: March 6th, April 3rd, and May 15th, contact your cabinet for more details. 


Upcoming Community Events

Penny Wars

We are continuing our new penny wars tradition each semester. The winning class will receive a pizza party !! that will be announced later in the semester. Placement of jugs to be announced.

Rules: Pennies and bills count as positive points. Silver coins count as negative points.

Example: 1 penny = 1 point, 1 dollar = 100 points, 1 nickel = -5 points,  1 Dime= -10,  1 Quarter = -25 points 

Keep checking back with us. More exciting news and events to come !!!

Visiting Local High Schools

We plan on visiting high schools in the near future to help them get on track to getting into a nursing program and letting them know what to expect while they are in the process of getting in and what to expect why they are in a program.

Flo’s Closet

Flo's closet is here!!! It is run by the cabinet and the closet committee to assist students in need of uniforms, shoes, books, and stethoscopes. This amazing resource is here to offset the cost and requirements of the nursing program. On the other hand, if you are graduating and want to donate your supplies, we are honored to give them a second life. Please feel free to contact any member of the cabinet. We are here for you !!

Support CNSA

We are selling Jackets and Chocolates to fund all the activities of the Chapter. Please feel free to reach out to the cabinet to support us!