How can CalWORKs benefit your organization?
CalWORKs partners with local businesses to provide students with real-life experience that fosters professional growth. In exchange, businesses are eligible to receive various benefits by partnering with the Victor Valley College CalWORKs program.
Salary Reimbursement
Organizations program at Victor Valley College offers salary reimbursement to businesses that hire CalWORKs students. Companies are reimbursed up to 75% of the wage expenses generated from CalWORKs student employment. This reimbursement benefit applies to the first 20 hours students work per week. Reimbursements are issued monthly.
Reduced Screening Cost
Organizations are prescreened to ensure they possess the necessary skill sets to participate in the CalWORKs program. Students are evaluated based on:
- Employment History
- Skills and Experience
- Grooming/Dress Attire
- Application & Resume
- Skills Assessment
Tax Incentive
Organizations that employ CalWORKs customers for a certain period of time may be eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) which is up to $9,600 per employee. For more about this tax credit click the link below.
CalWORKs Hiring Process
1. Your organization submits a request to fill a position via the Victor Valley College CalWORKs Program by completing a job order request form.
2. A representative of the CalWORKs program will reach out to you to schedule a tour of your business (the tour only has to be completed once). This tour is conducted to analyze work conditions and ensure the safety of students.
3. After the tour is completed, the CalWORKs department will screen students based on student interest, job duties, and criteria stated on the job order request form. Your company will be sent the resumes of qualified students. You may interview applicants at your leisure.
4. Your organization informs the CalWORKs Job Placement Specialist about the student(s) they wish to hire.
5. A contract between the Victor Valley College CalWORKs department and your organization is prepared. Once all required parties sign the contract, the student may begin to work!
Partner with the CalWORKs Program Today!
If you are interested in partnering with the CalWORKs program please click the link below to complete the Job Order Request form.