Curriculum Course Definitions

Web Enhanced

"Web-Enhanced Courses are face-to-face courses that use any form of electronic media to post information, deliver content, provide learning resources, and foster student interaction outside the classroom. These courses incorporate online components such as digital course content, supplemental web-materials, videos, online assignments, quizzes, digital course communications (i.e. discussion boards). Web-enhanced courses do not replace face-to-face instruction, but instead complement it." (Approved by cc 9-12-24)


“A course utilizing more than one mode of instructional delivery. Instruction may be delivered
by such modes as, for example, the internet, email, video, and the classroom.”
(Title 5 Regulations on Distance Education; Glossary—Distance Education terms
DistanceEd. . .)


Distance Education

“Distance education means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by
distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology.” (Title 5, 55205)
Independent Study
Independent Study is a mode of instruction in which students are not required to be under the
immediate supervision and control of a qualified instructor. This type of course is not regularly
scheduled; it is expected that the student will interact directly with the instructor on an individual
basis. (Title 5, 55002)


Individualized Instruction

Individualized instruction is a course where curriculum content and instructional materials,
media, and activities are designed for individual learning. It is a method of managing the
instructional process, under instructor supervision, without requiring live lectures.


Laboratory (Lab)

A laboratory course is taught in controlled environment requiring specialized equipment and/or
facilities. The primary emphasis is on learning by doing and observing, with the burden of course
activity placed on the student, under the direction and supervision of the instructor.



Lecture/laboratory courses combine aspects of both lecture and laboratory. Students register for
only one section which includes both the lecture and the laboratory.



A lecture course places the instructor’s primary emphasis on transmitting a body of knowledge
or information, explaining ideas or principles, and/or modeling skills. In some courses, students
may be expected to participate in classroom activities by means appropriate to the subject matter,
such as discussion, performance, skill development, etc.