Drug Free Environment And Drug Prevention Program

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 



Per the Educational Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) The district shall assure that annually each student and employee is given information regarding the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act  (DFSCA). Information should include 


Legal sanctions 



Health Risks 

  • Some health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol include:  

  •  Death including by alcohol poisoning or drug overdose;  

  •  Risk of addiction and withdrawal symptoms including pain, convulsions and depression;  

  •  Liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, and brain damage and/or loss of brain cells; 

  •  Impaired judgment and resulting safety and health risks including accidents, unwanted pregnancies, unprotected sex and possible sexually transmitted diseases, and aggressive or violent behavior;  

  •  Impaired performance including drowsiness, impaired memory, and imparted concentration;  

  •  Increased risk of suicide;  

  •  Lung damage or illnesses, bronchitis, or respiratory arrest, and  

  •  Needle-related illnesses and complications such as hepatitis, HIV, muscle and nervous tissue death necessitating limb amputation, and infections. 



Drug and Alcohol Programs  


Disciplinary Sanctions 

  • 1.students 

  • 2.employees 

  • District Polices 

  • BP3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program 

  • BP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages 

  • BP 3570 District Smoking Policy 



As an institution of higher learning we have a responsibility to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs by employees and students 


We must include standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession of alcohol and illicit drugs by employees and students both on the institution’s premises and as part of any of its activities in order to comply. 


Additionally, a biennial report should be prepared on the effectiveness of the program and consistency of the sanction of enforcement. 


For certain forms of Federal Funding as an institution of higher learning, we must certify that we have a prevention program 


A copy of the biennial report must be provided to the U.S. Department of Education or its representative on request. If noncompliant federal financial assistance can be terminated.