Information & Resources
*Pay in full by logging in to your MyVVC account (See Simple Steps below for more information)
- Note: There is service fee of 2.95% and/or $3 minimum charged on credit card payments. This fee is established by the credit card processor and covers the credit card transaction fees charged by the credit card companies.
*Enroll in a Payment Plan
*Students are responsible for dropping classes by the refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. See the Fee Refund Policy below. If classes are not dropped, the student will be responsible for the fees.
Out-of-State Tuition Fee increase: 2024FA $366 per unit
In October 2019 Assembly Bill 1504 was signed into law, requiring California Community Colleges to collect a student representation fee of $2 per semester. All students who initially register for classes on or after January 1, 2020 will have the $2 Student Representation Fee (STRP) assessed. Students may opt out of the fee, go to the Required Fees menu below and see #5 for additional information on the fee and how to opt out.

Regular Window Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, August 4, 2024 - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Saturday, August 7, 2024 - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Summer Window Hours
June 10th to August 9th
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Friday: Closed
* Pay in full or enroll in a payment plan through your MyVVC account to avoid being blocked from registering for other Terms
* Students are responsible for dropping classes by the refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. See Fee Refund Policy. /offices/admissions-records/fees-refunds.shtml. If classes are not dropped, the student will be responsible for the fees.
Using Self-Service, you can confirm your account balance. Pay close attention to the TOTAL FEES due to ensure you are paying in full.
Students requiring financial assistance should apply for financial aid early! If you are a financial aid student or need financial assistance, please complete the FAFSA.
If you are a Department of Rehabilitation Student, you must also submit a voucher from the Department of Rehabilitation to the VVC’s Bursar’s Office.
* The fee payment deadline is the same as the "Last day to enroll online" for the Nelnet Payment Plans:
- See the Payment Plan Deadlines link on the Bursar's Office webpage /offices/fiscal_services/bursars-office.shtml
- Go to the appropriate Term to see the "Last day to enroll online"
* Pay in full or enroll in a payment plan through WebAdvisor at the Pay with Payment Plan link to avoid being blocked from registering for other Terms
* Students are responsible for dropping classes by the refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. See Fee Refund Policy. /offices/admissions-records/fees-refunds.shtml. If classes are not dropped, the student will be responsible for the fees.
Using WebAdvisor, you can confirm your account balance and fee payment deadline date. Pay close attention to the TOTAL FEES and DEADLINE DATE.
Write down or print your total fees. Fees must be accurate. If your Student Fee Worksheet and payment are not correct, there may be a delay in your registration.
Students requiring financial assistance should apply for financial aid early! If you are a financial aid student or need financial assistance, please complete the FAFSA.
If you are a Department of Rehabilitation Student, you must also submit a voucher from the Department of Rehabilitation to the VVC’s Bursar’s Office.
Required Fees
Enrollment: $46 per unit for each unit enrolled.
Nonresident Tuition: For students who are NOT California residents, the fee is $342 per unit from 2023FA through 2024SU. Starting 2024FA through 2025SU the fee will be $366 per unit. (Fees for all California Community Colleges are set by the California Legislature and are subject to change.) For example: To take a class with a 3 unit value:
Term Resident Type Enrollment Tuition Total 2023FA - 2024SU Non-Residents $138 $1026 $1164 2023FA - 2024SU Non-Residents $138 $1098 $1236 -
Student Center: Maximum is $10 per academic year ($5 fall term and $5 spring term). Fees are mandatory and are used to maintain the Student Activities Center.
ASB Card: All students registering for credit classes are given the option of adding the ASB Card for a $10 fee (Fall/Spring) and a $5 fee (Summer/Winter). Replacement cost is $5 for lost cards. Fees are to be paid at the Bursar's Office or on WebAdvisor. ASB cards and Student ID cards are issued by the Associated Student Body in the Student Activities Center.
Student Representation Fee: In October 2019 Assembly Bill 1504 was signed into law, requiring California Community Colleges to collect a student representation fee of $2 per semester. All students who initially register for classes on or after January 1, 2020 will have the $2 Student Representation Fee (STRP) assessed. Students may opt out of the fee, please read below for more information on the fee and how to opt out.
What is it?
It is a mandatory fee supporting student representation efforts at the local and state level. The student representation fee is authorized by Education Code Section 76060.5 which states "The student representation fee authorized by this section shall be collected by the officials of the community college...for student representation fees. The money collected pursuant to this section shall be expended to provide support for governmental affairs representatives of local or statewide student body organizations who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices and agencies of state government..."
One dollar ($1) of the fee goes to support the statewide Student Senate of California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and the other $1 is to support Victor Valley College Associated Student Body to be used toward representing VVC students at the state and local level. The fees will cover the costs for registration and travel.
Does Financial Aid Cover the STRP?
Students are responsible for the Student Representation fee. If you do not pay this fee, your account may be placed on hold and you may not be able to register. It is possible your financial aid (if eligible) will cover it upon disbursement. The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) covers enrollment fees only.
How do I opt out of this fee?
The STRP fee is charged at the time of initial registration, beginning January 1, 2020. Students may opt out of this fee by submitting the
The form must be filled out, signed, and submitted each fall, spring, or summer terms for which you are enrolled. Drop off at the Bursar's Office, mail hard copy to Victor Valley College Bursar's Office at 18422 Bear Valley Rd., Victorville, CA 92395 OR email to
Student Transportation Fee: All students registering for credit classes will be charged a mandatory, non-waivable Transportation Fee. For fall/spring terms, the fee for students enrolled in less than 6 units will be $5.50 and students enrolled in 6 or more units will be a maximum of $6. For summer/winter terms, the fee will be $3 per student. The Student Transportation Fee is authorized by revised Education Code Section 76361.1 and allows for this fee based upon the favorable vote of a majority of the students of the district who voted at an election on the question of whether or not the governing board should require all students to pay a fee for transportation services.
Optional Fees
- Parking Permit: Students may purchase permits through WebAdvisor from a third party vendor (Phoenix Group Services). Permits will be mailed directly to the student by the vendor.
- Parking fee:
- $40.00 plus a $4.95 processing fee - Fall and Spring Semesters
- $20.00 plus a $4.95 processing fee - Fall and Spring Semesters (for BOGG eligible students)
- $20.00 plus a $4.95 processing fee (BOGG eligible students) - Winter and Summer Sessions
- Parking fee:
Agencies issuing vouchers for student parking permits must now include the applicable sales tax on all payment authorizations. Calculate sales tax on the price of the parking permit then add the associated processing fee to the permit price plus the calculated sales tax. For example with 8.75% sales tax: $40 permit + $3.50 sales tax + $4.95 processing fee = $48.45. If sales tax is not included on the voucher, payment liability will fall on the students.
Parking permits are required and must be displayed to park on campus, Monday-Saturday. Parking rules and regulations can be found at /offices/campus_police/. Parking rules and regulations are also printed on the front of the parking permits.
Questions regarding parking information should be directed to the Campus Police Office at 245-4271, ext. 2329/2516, between the hours of 7:30am and 4:00pm (Pacific Time Zone).
Books & Supplies: Students may purchase books and supplies for their classes at the Rams Bookstore or online at Expenses for full-time students range from $200-400 per semester. Scholarships and financial aid may be available.
Auditing: Auditing is allowed by instructor permission on a space-available basis (Education Code 72252.3). This is to ensure that students taking courses for credit toward degree or certificate completion have the opportunity to do so. Students can obtain a course audit form from the Admissions Office the first day of classes. The cost is $15 per unit per semester. Auditing fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Credit by Exam:Credit by Exam is allowed by a student after successfully completing 12 semester units of credit at Victor Valley College. The student must request a form from the Admissions Office to initiate the process. Keep in mind that Credit by Exam is not a right, it is the department's discretion to offer the exam.
Upon approval, with the required signatures, California resident students will pay the current enrollment fees and non-residents must pay out-of-state resident tuition plus enrollment fees. The fees are non-refundable.
A request for credit by examination must be submitted by the fourth week of the term (second week for summer courses).
How to Pay Fees?
Fees are due and payable at the time of registration.
Simple Steps to Pay in Full or Enroll in a Payment Plan
- Pay in full by logging in to your MyVVC account to avoid being blocked from registering for other Terms.
- Select your Multi-factor Image
- Click on the Self-Service icon
- Click on Student Finance
- Choose "Make a Payment" and follow the link
- You will be redirected to Touchnet to pay your fees in full
- Acceptable forms of payment are: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express
- Enroll in a payment plan ( to avoid being blocked from registering for other Terms.
- Select your Multi-factor Image
- Select the Touchnet Make a Payment icon
- Select Student Finance
- Select Payment Plans to enroll in a plan
- Select the Term
Fee Refunds Policy
DROP & REFUND DEADLINES (click link, see bottom of Admissions & Records page Important Dates and Deadlines & Registration Dates)
Students are responsible for dropping their classes by the refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. If classes are not dropped, the student will be responsible for the fees.
**FEE REFUND POLICY: For 16-WEEK CLASSES the drop deadline is 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) from the first day of the Term. For SHORT-TERM CLASSES the drop deadline is before 10% of the class meetings have been held.
**FINANCIAL AID STUDENTS: It will be your responsibility to make sure any Financial Aid is in place for the upcoming term including fee waivers, scholarships, veterans benefits etc…
The following apply:
Parking Fee, Student Representation Fee (Fall/Spring), ASB Card Fee (Fall/Spring) Full refunds are given to students withdrawing from all of their classes prior to the first day of the Term. Refund Applications are available from the Bursar's Office in Building 23 and online (see blue Refund Application button below).
Enrollment Fees Refunds are given for withdrawals up to the last day to drop classes with refund. A community college district governing board shall refund upon request any enrollment fee paid by a student pursuant to section 58501 for program changes made during the first two weeks of instruction for a primary term-length course, or by the 10 percent point of the length of the course for a short-term course. (Title V, sec. 58508.)
Non-resident Tuition Refunds are given for withdrawals up to the refund deadline. Refunds will also be made for any erroneous determinations of non-resident status.
Military Withdrawals Members of an active or reserve U.S. military service who withdraw from classes because of military orders receive a full refund of enrollment fees upon filing a Refund Application form and submitting documentation of military orders.
Refund Forms
Nonresident Tuition: For students who are NOT California residents, the fee is $290 per unit from 2020FA through 2021SU. Starting 2021FA through 2022SU the fee will be $307 per unit. (Fees for all California Community Colleges are set by the California Legislature and are subject to change.) For example: To take a class with a 3 unit value:
Term Resident Type Enrollment Tuition Total 2020FA - 2021SU Non-Residents $138 $870 $1008 2021FA - 2022SU Non-Residents $138 $921 $1059 -
Student Center: Maximum is $10 per academic year ($5 fall term and $5 spring term). Fees are mandatory and are used to maintain the Student Activities Center.
ASB Card: All students registering for credit classes are given the option of adding the ASB Card for a $10 fee (Fall/Spring) and a $5 fee (Summer/Winter). Replacement cost is $5 for lost cards. Fees are to be paid at the Bursar's Office or on WebAdvisor. ASB cards and Student ID cards are issued by the Associated Student Body in the Student Activities Center.
Student Representation Fee: In October 2019 Assembly Bill 1504 was signed into law, requiring California Community Colleges to collect a student representation fee of $2 per semester. All students who initially register for classes on or after January 1, 2020 will have the $2 Student Representation Fee (STRP) assessed. Students may opt out of the fee, please read below for more information on the fee and how to opt out.
What is it?
It is a mandatory fee supporting student representation efforts at the local and state level. The student representation fee is authorized by Education Code Section 76060.5 which states "The student representation fee authorized by this section shall be collected by the officials of the community college...for student representation fees. The money collected pursuant to this section shall be expended to provide support for governmental affairs representatives of local or statewide student body organizations who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices and agencies of state government..."
One dollar ($1) of the fee goes to support the statewide Student Senate of California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and the other $1 is to support Victor Valley College Associated Student Body to be used toward representing VVC students at the state and local level. The fees will cover the costs for registration and travel.
Does Financial Aid Cover the STRP?
Students are responsible for the Student Representation fee. If you do not pay this fee, your account may be placed on hold and you may not be able to register. It is possible your financial aid (if eligible) will cover it upon disbursement. The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) covers enrollment fees only.
How do I opt out of this fee?
The STRP fee is charged at the time of initial registration, beginning January 1, 2020. Students may opt out of this fee by submitting the Student Representation Fee Opt-Out Form. The form must be printed, filled out, signed and submitted each fall, spring, or summer terms for which you are enrolled.
Student Transportation Fee: All students registering for credit classes will be charged a mandatory, non-waivable Transportation Fee. For fall/spring terms, the fee for students enrolled in less than 6 units will be $5.50 and students enrolled in 6 or more units will be a maximum of $6. For summer/winter terms, the fee will be $3 per student. The Student Transportation Fee is authorized by revised Education Code Section 76361.1 and allows for this fee based upon the favorable vote of a majority of the students of the district who voted at an election on the question of whether or not the governing board should require all students to pay a fee for transportation services.
- Parking Permit: Students may purchase permits through WebAdvisor from a third party vendor (Credentials Order Processing Services). Permits will be mailed directly to the student by the vendor.
- Parking fee:
- $40.00 plus a $4.50 processing fee - Fall and Spring Semesters
- $20.00 plus a $3.75 processing fee - Fall and Spring Semesters (for BOGG eligible students)
- $20.00 plus a $4.50 processing fee or $3.75 processing fee (BOGG eligible students) - Winter and Summer Sessions
- Parking fee:
Agencies issuing vouchers for student parking permits must now include the applicable sales tax on all payment authorizations. Calculate sales tax on the price of the parking permit then add the associated processing fee to the permit price plus the calculated sales tax. For example with 7.75% sales tax: $40 permit + $3.10 sales tax + $4.50 processing fee = $47.60. If sales tax is not included on the voucher, payment liability will fall on the students.
Parking permits are required and must be displayed to park on campus, Monday-Saturday. Parking rules and regulations can be found at /offices/campus_police/. Parking rules and regulations are also printed on the front of the parking permits.
Questions regarding parking information should be directed to the Campus Police Office at 245-4271, ext. 2329/2516, between the hours of 7:30am and 4:00pm (Pacific Time Zone).
Books & Supplies: Students may purchase books and supplies for their classes at the Rams Bookstore or online at Expenses for full-time students range from $200-400 per semester. Scholarships and financial aid may be available.
Auditing: Auditing is allowed by instructor permission on a space-available basis (Education Code 72252.3). This is to ensure that students taking courses for credit toward degree or certificate completion have the opportunity to do so. Students can obtain a course audit form from the Admissions Office the first day of classes. The cost is $15 per unit per semester. Auditing fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Credit by Exam:Credit by Exam is allowed by a student after successfully completing 12 semester units of credit at Victor Valley College. The student must request a form from the Admissions Office to initiate the process. Keep in mind that Credit by Exam is not a right, it is the department's discretion to offer the exam.
Upon approval, with the required signatures, California resident students will pay the current enrollment fees and non-residents must pay out-of-state resident tuition plus enrollment fees. The fees are non-refundable.
A request for credit by examination must be submitted by the fourth week of the term (second week for summer courses).
Fee Exchange
This applies to 16-week classes ONLY.
Enrollment fees for dropped classes will be exchanged for added classes through the last day to drop classes with refund. After that, additional fees will be due for ANY classes, even if classes are dropped at the same time.
If you have any questions, please call (760) 245-4271 ext. 2370
Fee Petition
The Petitions Committee meets twice a month to review all petitions; please allow two weeks for processing. Students will be notified by mail once a decision is made. Only Enrollment and Out-of-State Tuition will be considered for approval. ASB, Parking, Student Center, Student Representation, or Student Transportation Fees will not be granted on the petition.
Print it out,
Fill it out,
Hand-carry, email, or mail the form to: VVC Bursar's Office 18422 Bear Valley Road Victorville, CA 92395-5849