Justice-Involved Education
Since 1961, Victor Valley College has been an established provider of postsecondary education for citizens of the High Desert through accredited Associate’s degrees and industry-recognized workforce training, certificates, and credentials. The College endeavors to provide excellence in education for individuals in the High Desert who are justice-involved. The College is dedicated to serving the community through the creation of the justice-impacted program. Additionally, the College has created activities and community partnerships to support incarcerated, and re-entry educational supports to individuals who are justice-involved in our service area.
Programs Offered
Associate Programs offered:
- Business 2.0 AS-T
- Sociology AA-T
The courses will be offered as two 8-week sessions in the Fall and Spring. Some classes may be 16 weeks depending on the curriculum and faculty needs. Summer and Winter sessions are 8 weeks with 6-week sessions in the Winter and Summer. JIE students will need a minimum of 60 units (18-19 classes) to complete their program. It is anticipated that the program can be completed in 2.5 years of coursework.
Courses will be offered through high-support correspondence education. Correspondence education allows VVC instructors to teach with engaged academic supports offered through email and/or written communication. Students will have access to:
- Faculty for questions and/or support.
- JIE Counselor for academic pathway and course selection.
- Support staff for questions, concerns and program success.
Transition Support
- Seamless education transition utilizing either on-campus or distance learning options for those returning to Victor Valley College for classes.
- Assistance for students who want to transfer to pursue a 4-year degree.
- Community-based organizations who can provide referrals or non-education services such as job placement and adjusting to life upon release.
Contact Info
- Aubrey Berry - Program Manager
- Fernando Chavez - Administrative Assistant
- Email: JIE@vvc.edu
- phone: (760) 245-4271 Ext.2134