Peer Online Course Review (POCR)



The California Community College Chancellor's office has begun a process of moving all California Community Colleges into a large network that can share students between them without the student having to apply to multiple institutions. This process is being guided by the California Virtual Campus. Their goal is help support the growth of the the highest quality courses that can be offered to students. In an effort to do this, they have created the CVC-OEI Online Course Design Rubric comprised of evidence-backed best practices for any online courses.

In an effort to help support the growth of these high-quality practices, the Chancellor's office has mandated that each college build it's own local POCR group to act as a resource for faculty who are willing to implement them in their own courses. Here at VVC we are building our local support group and gathering instructors who are interested in the continual reflection and growth of their instructional practices.

Interested in growing with us? We have two ways you can be involved:

Review your own course!

Interested in assessing your online course or building a best-practice classroom? Download the rubric and go through it to see where you could update, Download the OEI-Rubric

Being an instructor is an extremely hard job and we want to help support both you and your students. Want to see how your course stacks up? Interested in getting some help identifying where you can focus some time? Email our DE Coordinator ( and we'll set something up.

Join our local POCR group

We would love to build a team of individuals whose first and foremost goal is to help support other instructors. Since growth is our ultimate goal, sometimes that growth looks like taking 6 weeks and completely redesigning an entire course and sometimes it looks like updating one page for accessibility. Our local group is here to help you get where you want to go.

Interested in being one of these support people? Read the description and details of the training posted below and see if certification is for you.


The CVC-OEI provides @ONE’s Peer Online Course Review (POCR) training to members of local POCR teams at California Community Colleges. This is an advanced course designed for experienced online educators who are preparing to review courses using the OEI Course Design Rubric. Each week, participants will apply a specific section of the rubric by reviewing a sample course, discussing it with peers, and using facilitator feedback to revise their original findings. By the end of the training, future reviewers will have written and revised a complete review of a sample course using Sections A-C of the OEI Course Design Rubric. Successful participants will develop strategies to offer collegial, rubric-based, actionable feedback to peers. @ONE coursework and/or local training in online course design and facilitation, plus experience teaching in Canvas, is strongly recommended as preparation for this fast-paced, intensive training.


This is an advanced course designed to train experienced online instructors. It does not fulfill a requirement for @ONE Certificates, but it is an excellent option for certificate holders who are members of their college’s local POCR team and are ready to apply the knowledge and skills gained through certification to reviewing online courses.

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Time Commitment: approximately 10 hours per week, for a total of 40 hours
  • Level of Difficulty: Advanced

Want to Certify?

What do you think? Is certification for you? If you are ready to take the plunge, email for upcoming training dates.