The Writing Center also offers drop-off online tutoring so you can drop off your questions, a paragraph, or an essay to one of our tutors. We will try to respond to your e-mail within 24-48 hours during weekdays. Please allow additional time for weekend requests, remembering that we close early on Fridays and won't be back online until Monday.
Also, please note that the Writing Center's mission is to provide instruction rather than proofreading or editing. This means that we will provide comments and suggestions based on the larger or global issues such as thesis, clarity, organization, and paragraphing. If you do need help with grammar, please see our grammar tools link.
How to access the Pisces Online Paper Drop-Off:
- Log into your Canvas account. If you have problems, contact the Help Desk at (760) 245-4271, ext. 2740, or
- Click on the “Tutoring and Academic Support: Acad101” tile
- Click on “Pisces Online Tutoring” located on the left
- Scroll down and click on “Writing Center”
- Click “Drop-Off Paper"
*Note that you will receive your tutored paper in your Pisces Writing Locker. To access the writing locker, follow the above instructions and click on "Your Writing Locker." Be sure to check your writing locker 24-48 hours after submitting your paper.