President's Office - Welcome Message


Dan Walden

Welcome to Victor Valley College!

For almost 60 years Victor Valley College has opened the doors of opportunity to thousands of students in the High Desert. We do our best to maintain a “spirit of place” that nurtures the growth and knowledge of all who seek higher learning in our community. We are proud of the faculty and staff who work tirelessly to maintain cultural and employment relevance and keep VVC on the cutting edge of technology and curricular development.

In light of recent legislation, there are exciting changes that provide you opportunity to advance to college level math and English within your first year regardless of your skill set. Faculty have worked diligently with student services to adjust curriculum and provide the wrap-around support you will need to be successful. In addition, we work with business leaders to provide you with highly-skilled workforce training.  

This past year, the College began a “Caring Campus Initiative” that includes the following interventions:

Intervention Strategy 1:  Inspirational Coaching (formerly, Masters of Paradox) Overall Message – We are increasing retention, one student at a time. We build relationships to promote educational success in the classroom as equity in the classroom is fair.

Intervention Strategy 2:  Learning Students’ Names Overall Message – Students are more likely to stay involved when they feel recognized, represented, and have a sense of belonging.

Intervention Strategy 3:  Welcome to the Course!

Overall Message – We promote student success by ensuring students know what the expectations are so they can meet those expectations.

Intervention Strategy 4:  Transparent Syllabus Overall Message – We want students to know what their expectations are so they can meet those expectations.

Intervention Strategy 5:  Conversations with Students Overall Message – Student-instructor connections lead to student success.

Intervention Strategy 6:  Assign and Assess Early and Often Overall Message – We want students to know what the course expectations are, to have ample opportunities to practice meeting those expectations, and to learn early on whether they are adequately prepared to be successful in the course.

We are excited for you to join the Victor Valley College community as we implement these strategies. Please contact us for further information following the links on this website.

Yours for a bright future,
Daniel Walden, Ph.D.