Prevention & Awareness Programs & Strategies

To reduce the potential incidents of sexual assaults, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on campus, annual webinar training will be made available to all the students, faculty and staff of Victor Valley College.  The design of the training is based on prevention and education which offers practical guidance for risk reduction, violence prevention, and bystander intervention as well as a portion of the training in which there will be a discussion on the College’s policies regarding Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Title IX, and the Clery Act. Additionally, the VAWA Policy is provided to new faculty and staff during their hiring orientation.  Students also receive the policy during students’ orientation and academic advisement.

Victor Valley College’s prevention and awareness program training consists of online webinars and presentations regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Additionally, the presentation and awareness programs are is included during new student orientation as well as new employee orientation and institutional training days. Information regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking can be located under the VAWA website link.

This year, Victor Valley College sponsored an annual Women’s History month event in which a self-defense class was presented by a police department’s self-defense instructor.  The class consisted of prevention tips and self-defense techniques against sexual assaults and dating violence.  For more information on the presentation contact the Dean of Students Services at (760) 245-4271 ext. 2377.

The College Police Department also provides written literature on domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and the rights of crime victims. Pamphlets regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and the rights of crime victims are available at the College Police Department located on the lower campus, Building No. 80, Room 11.  Anonymous help and mental health counseling can be obtained through the Campus Police Department and the Dean of Student Services.