Extended Opportunity Program and Services provides book service, tutoring, career counseling, work/study programs, student assisting, priority registration, and other support services to disadvantaged students. The aim of this state-funded program is to help these students succeed at Victor Valley College.
To be eligible for E.O.P.S., a student must be a resident of California and be enrolled in at least 12 units of classes, but not have received an associate's degree (AA/AS) or completed more than 70 degree applicable units from any college, including Victor Valley College. Students must also be qualified for the Board of Governors Waiver A or B. (financially disadvantaged) and be educationally disadvantaged based on Victor Valley College Assessment Scores.
To became eligible for E.O.P.S., students must submit an E.O.P.S. application to the E.O.P.S. Office located on the upper campus between the Music and Art Buildings. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For more information about E.O.P.S., click here E.O.P.S.