Office Phone:(760) 245-4271
Location: bld 64
Office Hours: 9:05pm to 10:05pm Mondays and Wednesdays
Todd Kuhns
Automotive Instructor
A.S - Automotive Technology - Victor Valley College
Todd has been an Automotive Instructor for Victor Valley College since 2015. In that time, he has taught and substituted many different Automotive classes.
Todd has been in the Automotive Industry for over 20 years. After graduating from High School in 1995 he began to take Automotive classes at VVC taught by John Sweet.
Todd has full time employment with the Bureau of Automotive Repair as a Program Representative assigned to the Technical Training Department. His job duties include the development and presentation of training classes; evaluating BAR staff training needs; monitoring the effectiveness of current training programs and providing analysis on the programs contribution to the Bureau’s performance goals and objectives relating to customer satisfaction, work quality, productivity and efficiency.
Todd is certified by the Bureau of Automotive Repair as a Smog Check Technician, Brake and Lamp Adjuster and as a Clean Air Car Course Instructor. Current credentials (instructor certifications, other certifications, licenses, etc) include:
BAR Licensed Smog Check Technician
BAR Qualified Licensed Brake Adjuster
BAR Qualified Licensed Lamp Adjuster
BAR Certified Training Instructor
Todd has current certifications from the National Institute of Automotive Excellence (ASE), including “Master” Automotive certification and Medium / Heavy Truck certification. I am also certified by ASE in many other categories, including:
Master Automobile Technician (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)
A1 Engine Repair
A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
A3 Manual Drive Trains and Axles
A4 Suspension and Steering
A5 Brakes
A6 Electrical/Electronic Systems
A7 Heating and Air Conditioning
A8 Engine Performance
A9 Light Vehicle Diesel Engines
Master Medium / Heavy Truck Technician (T1, T2, T5, T6, T7)
T1 Gasoline Engines
T2 Diesel Engines
T5 Suspension and Steering
T6 Electrical/Electronic Systems
T7 Heating, Ventilation and A/C
Under-Car Specialist (X1, A4, A5)
X1 Exhaust System Specialist
A4 Suspension and Steering
A5 Brakes
L1 Advanced Level Specialist “Automotive Advanced Engine Performance”
L2 Advanced Level Specialist “Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis”
L3 Advanced Level Specialist “Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle”
L4 Advanced Level Specialist "Advanced Driver Assistance Systems"
X1 Exhaust Systems Specialist
C1 Service: Automobile Service Consultant
G1 Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair
Toyota Collision Repair & Refinish
Todd’s automotive experience before BAR includes:
Victor Valley College – 2+ years
Independent Shop Technician – 18 years
Todd has also received extensive training in developing, conducting and evaluating training programs and classes, including:
Instruction Techniques for Trainers
Interactive Training Techniques
Training Developer’s Workshop
Train the Trainer Course for Smog Check Instructor
Interpersonal Communication Skills Course
Effective Presentations
Hobbies and Interests: Todd’s hobbies and interests start with his family first, “off roading” and boating with the family and Coaching jr high Baseball, everything else after that…