Degree Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
The objective of this degree program is to prepare students for a successful career in a business enterprise. It offers a broad exposure to traditional areas including economics, marketing, management, and the financial disciplines. Students will develop skills and gain expertise in the major functional areas and disciplines of business. The philosophical basis for the practice of business, ethical considerations, and human values is stressed.
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
This program focuses on the human capital as the critical success factor to build a competitive edge for business organizations. To enhance student's personal and professional growth, the program is designed to provide in-depth understanding of all the business disciplines. When appropriate, case study approach is utilized to effectively communicate application of theories in real world situations. Students will enhance conceptual, interpersonal and analytical competencies required to succeed in managing today's ever changing and diverse organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Child Development
This program focuses on studies of the growth and development of children in relation to the family, school and community. ULV’s Child Development Major compliments community college programs in Early Childhood Education. Previously completed college coursework in Early Childhood Education may be considered for transfer credit.
The quality of an early childhood education program can be a major factor as to whether a child blossoms or struggles throughout his/her educational career and beyond. This program prepares students to meet the needs of these young learners and provides knowledge of Instructional and Experiential Learning. They learn about the inter-relationships among child, family and community, child psychology, and development. For curriculum development, students review types of curricula and various techniques used to develop and implement programs for young children.
Upon completion of the B.S. in Child Development degree program, students may be eligible for the Child Development Master Teacher Permit issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Bachelor of Science in Health Administration
The curriculum in health administration is designed to prepare healthcare professionals for positions of increased responsibility in health and health-related organizations. Students learn to (1) analyze problems with a greater critical awareness, (2) apply sound methods of statistical and financial control, and (3) utilize management techniques and manage contracts.
Note: All courses with the HSM prefix are eligible to receive California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) provider units for continuing education. One (1) semester hour = 15 provider units. Four (4) semester hour HSM courses = 60 provider units, three (3) semester hour HSM courses = 45 provider units. The ULV provider # is BRN 00298.
The healthcare industry is the largest sector of the U.S. economy, second in size only to the military. As the 21st century unfolds, the healthcare industry continues to undergo major changes. Managed care, mergers, financial challenges, technological advances, and increased consumerism are factors driving the evolution of the industry.
The U.S. healthcare industry is going through major restructuring as the result of mergers and acquisitions of many companies and organizations. Well-trained healthcare professionals are going to be needed to more effectively manage these rapidly changing health services organizations.
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
This major is an undergraduate Subject Matter Preparation Program, primarily for individuals seeking a career in Elementary Education (Grades K-6). This major will prepare the student who is looking to apply for the Teaching Credential Program.
For more than 75 years, the College of Education and Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne has been developing outstanding education professionals. Here, students and faculty are partners in the learning process, pursuing the shared goal of providing the highest quality teachers for our communities. Academic quality, student service, field experience and CSET Preparation are all unique components of the Liberal Studies Program at ULV.
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management
The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management degree program is designed primarily for the working adult who wants to improve management and organizational skills while earning a bachelor's degree. The program is constructed in two parts. The core requirements stress general management skills with a focus on immediate application in the work setting and also includes the opportunity for student research. The second part of the program is a wide range of electives from a variety of disciplines which allows the student great flexibility to choose those courses which best suit his or her career path.
The Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
This degree will assist current and aspiring managers and administrators in gaining insights, skills, and a wide range of human relations and technical abilities for dealing with organizational productivity and performance. The program guides students through the exploration of classic and contemporary theories and demonstrates how to apply these new ideas and strategies. The program stresses a skill-building approach to change management in culturally diverse
This is an academic and professional program offering basic coursework in the theories, as well as the operations and procedures of public management. Students will be exposed to the theories and practices involved in program, resources, and political management. Experience in applying these skills will be gained through class participation, special projects, and applied research.
Courses in this major are offered online through ULV’s Distance Learning Center and a new cluster is forming for onsite classes at the High Desert Campus in Victorville.
Teacher Credential Program
For the graduate of our Bachelors degree in Liberal Studies, our Teaching Credential Program is the natural next step in your journey toward becoming a professional educator.
The University of La Verne’s teacher credential program is designed to equip tomorrow’s teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to make a positive impact on the children in their classrooms and in the community. The programs are specifically targeted to meet the needs of California’s diverse student populations, emphasizing language development, cultural diversity, and humanistic approaches to the learning process. Students may pursue a Multiple Subject or a Single Subject teaching credential. Cross-cultural, language, and academic development issues are incorporated into the program.
Master of Education
Master of Education in Advanced Teaching Skills it is designed to provide classroom teachers the opportunity to develop greater understanding of student needs and characteristics, curriculum and instructional decision-making, and collaborative peer interaction.
Master of Educational Management
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
Credentialed teachers wishing to further enhance their career options should consider our Master in Educational Management program.
The Master of Education in Educational Management degree program and the Preliminary Administrative Service Credential program are designed to prepare graduates for leadership roles in elementary and secondary education.
Master of Science in Educational Counseling
Pupil Personnel Services: School Counseling Credential
The Master of Science in Educational Counseling and the Pupil Personnel Services: School Counseling Credential (PPS: SC) programs are designed to prepare graduates to serve as professional school counselors. The PPS: SC credential will provide graduates of the program with the authorization to perform counseling services in the California public schools at grade levels K-12. The Master of Science in Educational Counseling degree also meets the minimum qualifications to serve as a community college counselor.