Victor Valley Adult Education Regional Consortium

The Victor Valley Adult Education Regional Consortium was established in the Spring of 2014, bringing together adult education providers in K12 School Districts and Victor Valley Community College to develop a regional comprehensive plan to better serve the educational needs of adults in our region.  The consortium covers the Victor Valley high desert region and its membership is made up of Victor Valley Community College and the five school districts within the geographic boundaries of the college district:

  • Apple Valley Unified School District
  • Hesperia Unified School District
  • Lucerne Valley Unified School District
  • Snowline Joint Unified School District
  • Victor Valley Union High School District 


Additionally, the consortium includes partner organizations representing local community agencies and community based organizations.

The goal of the Consortium is to better provide adults with education in the following program areas:

  • Elementary and secondary basic skills, including classes required for a high school diploma or high school equivalency
  • Classes and courses for immigrants eligible for education services in citizenship and English as a second language
  • Educational programs for adults with disabilities
  • Short-term career technical educational programs with high employment potential
  • Programs for apprentices



Contact - 

Martha Mendez, Program Manager at (760) 245-4271, extension 2685 or email:

Pablo Saldana, Program Specialist at (760) 245-4271, extension 2349 or email: