This site represents Victor Valley College's past Scorecard, which is a compilation of qualitative and quantitative performance measures used to gauge progress on district goals set forth by Board Policy 1200. These measures are offered as a starting point for campus-wide dialogue about our effectiveness in achieving district goals so that actionable responses can be developed to improve institutional processes and practices across all campus operations.
Current information about VVC's performance on the CCCCO's Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) is available online @ the CCCCO website here.
Each tab relates to 1 of 4 district goals. Click on the tab to view data supporting each district goal for 2014.
- Fiscal Stability
- Student Success
- Accreditation
- Image
The College's courses, programs, and support services advance student success. |
All recommendations from the ACCJC will be fully addressed to reaffirm and maintain the College's accreditation status.
What is our current accreditation status? VVC is an accredited institution of higher education by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association Schools and Colleges. (Click here for most recent notice from ACCJC).
What were the previous ACCJC recommendations for VVC? Recommendation 1 - Update mission and Educational Master Plan [RESOLVED] |
For up-to-date information, go to Accreditation @ VVC.
Fiscal Stability
The College's financial resources will remain sufficient to support quality programs and services, and the ongoing improvement of all college operations.
Are we productive?
Are we fiscally healthy?
We are at 94% of our productivity
goal for the year.13 of 16 fiscal health indicators have been met
according to the FMCAT Fiscal ReviewImageNOTE: For institutions of higher education, the productivity target of 525 is a standard that represents the total student contact hours a full-time faculty member should have in one academic year. Although 525 is ideal, an important variable that moderates productivity is scheduling: Courses as offered may not lend themselves to reaching 525 due to section capping or other limitations on enrollment. For productivity by discipline, click here.
ImageHave we used resources effectively?
Section efficiency and course success rates remain high and stable, indicating
there have been no negative impacts of cost saving measures on student achievement.Image -
Student Success
The College's reputation among High Desert residents will be that of a quality institution of higher education.
The images appearing below are "word clouds," a visual representation of comments gathered during focused discussions from the constituency groups indicated. The relative size of the word indicates how frequently the word was used. It is offered on this initial scorecard as qualitative evidence of our starting point and, therefore, a basis for ample discussions about our current image and the opportunities for improvement that exist.
What do community perceptions say about our image?*
Image*From community focus groups conducted during development of Educational Master Plan 2012. For details, click here.
What do student perceptions say about our image?**
Image**Results from Student Campus Climate, Part 1 administered Fall 2013 term.
What do employee perceptions say about our image?***
Image***For detailed information about past Campus Climate surveys, click here.