Welcome to Agriculture and Natural Resources

California and the United States are rapidly reaching a crisis situation in the management and preservation of natural resources. The recent crisis with energy in California bears witness to this fact. The most important issues concern the critical resources of food, energy, water, air, wildland and wildlife. It is essential that our society be taught a greater awareness of the need to conserve and wisely manage these resources. Careers and the public and private entities that manage and use these resources are expanding rapidly as the critical nature of these issues become more apparent. Individuals that are trained in agricultural and natural resource principles and issues are perfectly positioned to take advantage of these exciting opportunities.

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"Whale Wars" presentation/video

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The Agriculture and Natural Resource Department is intent on providing students with the training and resources needed to compete in this rapidly expanding career field and the skills needed to continue their studies in this arena. The department has designed its educational programs on the following premises:

  1. A focus on the underlying scientific principles and math skills that support the disciplines of agriculture and natural resource management.
  2. Application of advanced technologies that include the management of data with sophisticated computer software,Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Remote Imaging Technology.
  3. A focus on "Complete Ecosystem Management," that balances the need to preserve natural ecological relationships with the social and economic needs of the humans that use a particular ecosystem or region.
  4. Provide increased "hands-on" learning and field experiences. The skills needed to be successful in these arenas are best taught through actual experience via laboratories, investigative field experiences, internships, field trips and simulated case studies.

The department currently focuses on training students in fields of Environmental Horticulture, Landscape Design and Management, Landscape Irrigation,  Natural Resource Management, Water Resource Management and Equine/Animal Science.