General Education Requirements
VVC College Catalog
2024-2025 AA/AS,CSU, & UC Advising Sheets
Archived General Education Patterns:
2023-2024 AA/AS,CSU, & UC Advising Sheets
2022-2023 AA/AS,CSU, & UC Advising Sheets
CSU San Bernardino General Education Worksheets
- 2020-21 CSUSB Business Administration
- 2020-21 CSUSB Liberal Studies
- 2019-20 CSUSB Business Administration
- 2019-20 CSUSB Liberal Studies
- 2018-19 CSUSB Business Administration
- 2017-18 CSUSB Liberal Studies
Under the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (SB 1440-Padilla), California Community Colleges provide guaranteed admissions as a junior to a CSU, select independent California universities and out-of-state universities when a student has completed an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT, also referred to as: Associate in Science for Transfer or Associate in Arts for Transfer) in a program/major similar to that which the university offers (see below)*. The ADT degree requires the student to complete the following:
- Complete 60 CSU transferable units (VVC classes numbered 100 or above);
- Complete the CSU General Education (GE) or IGETC General Education pattern;
- Complete the major program requirements (see list below) with a grade of "C" or better;
- Maintain a transferable cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 or higher;
- Complete the Golden 4 GE requirements with a "C-" or better
ADT Degrees Offered by VVC:
- AS-T: Administration of Justice
- AS-T: Administration of Justice (For students beginning VVC in the fall 2019 or after.)
- AS-T: Agriculture Animal Science
- AS-T: Agriculture Plant Science
- AA-T: Art History (Effective Fall 2022)
- AS-T: Biology
- AS-T: Business Administration
- AS-T: Business Administration 2.0 (Effective Fall 2022)
- AA-T: Communication Studies
- AS-T: Computer Science
- AS-T: Early Childhood Education
- AA-T: Elementary Teacher Education (Effective Fall 2022)
- AA-T: English
- AA-T: Geography
- AA-T: Global Studies
- AA-T: History
- AS-T: Kinesiology
- AS-T: Kinesiology (For students beginning VVC in the 2020-21 academic year.)
- AS-T: Mathematics
- AA-T: Music
- AS-T: Nutrition and Dietetics
- AA-T: Philosophy
- AA-T: Political Science
- AS-T: Public Health Science
- AA-T: Psychology
- AA-T: Sociology
- AA-T: Sociology (For students beginning VVC in the fall 2019 or after.)
- AA-T: Studio Arts (Effective Fall 2022)
Important notice: The ADT guarantees admission into a CSU; however, it does not guarantee admission into any particular campus or program of your choice. The ADT degree you choose (above) is the major the CSU will accept you under. The ability to change your major after being admitted to the CSU is at the discretion of each individual CSU.
If you will be receiving a verified ADT degree, and you are not admitted to a CSU, your application will be redirected to another CSU (Please note: ADT applicants accepted to at least one CSU campus will not be redirected.). To learn more about Redirection of your CSU application, please visit the CSU ADT Redirection page.
More information about the ADT:
- To find out which CSUs have similar programs/majors to VVC and accept the above approved ADT degrees, visit: CSU ADT Similar Majors or I Can Go to College
Independent (Private) Universities and Out-of-State Universities and the ADT:
- Click here to find out which California independent universities accept the ADT
- Click here to find out which out-of-state universities accept the ADT
Online Transfer Resouces
CSU Transfer for some specific CSUs
CSU General Education (CSUGE) Worksheets
- CSU San Bernardino Liberal Studies (for students beginning CSUSB Fall 2020 or later)
- Cal Poly Pomona Pre-Vet
Admission and Records Forms
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Click on the form that you need (below), and the form will open through NextGen Dynamic Forms.
Once your form is complete, please submit. It will be sent to our Admissions & Records Department for processing.
Track the status of your submitted forms. See how here:
NextGen How To Access My Forms - Student Version.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact Admissions at 760-245-4271 x2272 or email:
Admissions Forms
Counseling Forms
- ACADEMIC RENEWAL PETITION (Submit to Counseling Department)
- PETITION FOR OVERLOAD OF UNITS (Submit to Counseling Department)
- PETITION FOR REINSTATEMENT (Submit to Counseling Department)
- PREREQUISITE CHALLENGE FORM (Submit to Counseling Department)
Financial Aid Forms
Assessment Forms
Academic Counseling 101: Degrees and Certificates - How They Work!
There are three academic objectives you can complete at Victor Valley College:
- Occupational Certificates,
- Associate's Degree, and
- Transfer to a university.
You can find more information about your academic options in the College Catalog.
- the Catalog tells you about all the college's programs, rules, services, and so on,
Our class schedule is online at, and tells you the days, times, and location classes are offered during the fall, spring, and summer terms.
- The most current and updated class schedule for the current term can be found on WebAdvisor:
Occupational Certificates
- Certificates of Achievement are designed to prepare students for specific occupations. The number of units required varies from program to program. Certificates include only the required technical courses (no General Education courses); some programs have prerequisites. To identify the exact courses required, look in the Catalog for the program you're interested in.
- What many people do is complete a certificate program, then sometime later (even years later!), come back to school and use those courses again as the major for an associate's degree--or even as preparation for transfer. Other people work on certificates and the requirements for a degree at the same time. We can help you figure out what would work best for you.
Graduation with an Associate's Degree
- Students can earn an Associate's Degree and, with careful planning, also meet some or all of the requirements for transfer to a four-year college or university.
- Graduation generally requires the equivalent of two years of full-time study which leads to an Associate in Science (A.S.) or Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree. Note that for most people, a "two-year degree" actually takes longer than two years - it just depends on how fast you go.
- For an overview of programs available, please refer to "Programs of Study" in the Victor Valley College Catalog. Also, you can visit the different departments' webpages on this site.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION WITH AN ASSOCIATE DEGREE The college's graduation requirements allow students to earn an associate's degree and, with careful planning, simultaneously meet requirements either for an occupational certificate or for some or all of the requirements for transfer to a four-year college or university, or both. Students who wish to transfer should check with their intended institution regarding which courses meet that school's requirements.
General Requirements (Section A) Tip: If you're going to transfer to a university, keep in mind when you plan your courses that you can save time by fitting your transfer university's pre-major and general education course requirements into VVC's graduation requirements; that is, use the courses THEY require, in order to meet VVC's requirements.We can help you sort that out. Courses for Your Major (Section B) General Education (GE) Requirements (Section C) Kinesiology Requirement(Section D) Any activity or non-activity (lecture) KIN, KIND course of 1 unit or more will fulfill this requirement. Completion of military basic training fulfills this requirement (a copy of the student's form DD214 or other documentation must be on file with the Office of Admissions). Health 102 (GE Category I) or KIN 103 (GE Category III) can simultaneously satisfy the General Education category and the KIN requirement. Athletics courses arenot used to fulfill the KIN requirement. A maximum of 4 units of KIN activity courses will count toward the degree. Electives (Section E) Application for Graduation Second Degree or Additional Degrees 1. Students must complete an additional 18 units from an approved departmental major for each additional degree Catalog Under Which You Graduate |
Transfer to a Four Year College or University
- Students can generally complete their freshman and sophomore years of college for a bachelor's degree at a community college, like VVC, while simultaneously pursuing their associate's degree.
- Consult with a counselor to determine the exact courses you need to take at VVC in order to satisfy transfer requirements to your transfer institution; as well as with VVC's Transfer Center, and, of course, with the transfer institution itself.
- For more information about transferring, please visit the Transfer Center (Bldg. 23) or the Transfer Planning pages of this website.
TRANSFERRING TO A FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY Students can generally complete the first two to three years' worth of a bachelor's degree at a community college, like VVC, while simultaneously earning an associate's degree. To determine the exact courses you need to take here in order to satisfy requirements at your intended transfer institution, find your major in the the grey-shaded section of the Catalog, "Programs of Study." If your school (or major) is not listed, you will need to make further inquiries. Consult with a counselor, with VVC 's Transfer Center and, of course, with the transfer institution itself. An excellent website for exploring majors and finding out more specific information about transferring to UC and CSU campuses is Plan to spend some time on that site, as there's so much available there. For private colleges and universities in California, check out There are four major types of universities or four-year schools to which community college students transfer: The University of California (UC) system, the California State University (CSU) system, private institutions, and out-of-state institutions. University of California (UC) California State University (CSU) Private and Out-of-State Institutions Nontraditional Degree Programs Locally in the Victor Valley, there are small, off-campus universities whose main campuses are located elsewhere. You can view a list of Four-Year Universities in the High Desert here. For more information about transferring, please visit the Transfer Center located in Bldg. 23 |