Reaffirmation Letter

Reaffirmation Letter

Dr. Nicholas Halisky
Victor Valley College
June 21, 1999
Page Two

All colleges are required to file a Midterm Report in the third year after each comprehensive evaluation. Victor Valley College should submit the Midterm Report by November 1, 2001. Midterm Reports indicate progress toward meeting the evaluation team's recommendations and forecast where the college expects to be by the time of the next comprehensive evaluation. The college also includes a summary of progress on college-identified concerns as expressed in the self study. Information about the Midterm Report is found in the 1997 Guide to Self Study and Reports to the Commission.

The college conducted a comprehensive self study u part of its evaluation. The Commission suggests that the plans for improvement of the institution included in that document be taken into account in the continuing development of Victor Valley College The next comprehensive evaluation of the college will occur during academic year 2004-2005.

Finally, let me take this opportunity to remind you that federal legislation affecting accrediting agencies requires that accredited colleges conduct systematic assessment of educational outcomes (see especially Standards Three and Four). A further requirement is that accrediting agencies pay close attention to student loan default rata.

On behalf of the Commission, I wish to express continuing interest in the institution's educational programs and services. Professional self-regulation is the most effective means of assuring integrity, effectiveness and quality.


David B. Wolf


cc: Ms. Faye Freeman, Accreditation Liaison Officer
     Board President
     Dr. Jerry Young, Team Chair
     Evaluation Team Members